Hydrow Wave Packaging

Print Design

Hydrow Wave Packaging

Print Design


The launch of Hydrow Wave was a momentous occasion for the company—its first new product launch since the company’s original Indiegogo campaign. The all-new design of the rowing machine called for an all-new suite of print collateral. From the largest box to the smallest sticker, a complete packaging design system had to be established to create a cohesive unboxing and setup experience.

THE Task

To create a scalable, modern packaging design system that elevates the Hydrow Wave unboxing experience at all touchpoints.
Hydrow Wave Box
Assembly Tools Box
Vertical Anchor Box
Wall Mount Box

The Quick Start Guide was designed with easy-to-understand visuals to walk the user through assembling their Hydrow Wave. Judicious use of a brand spot color established consistency and points of interest.

All instructional print materials were designed in three languages. Each version was carefully refined and tuned to maintain the same layout and visual styling, while accounting for difference in length from translation.

The safety stickers were a unique challenge. Each sticker had to adhere to strict legal and regulatory requirements. Despite this, the stickers successfully preserve the established design system used throughout the Hydrow Wave packaging.

Similar to the safety stickers, the safety documentation was carefully and thoughtfully designed for easily digesting the information. Extra care was used to avoid long blocks of legal jargon that no one wants to read.